होम000016 • इन्डेक्स
SSE 50 Index
अघिल्लो दिनको अन्तिम मूल्य
दिनको न्यूनतम र अधिकतम मूल्य
२,६७४.०३ - २,७४८.१०
वर्षको न्यूनतम र अधिकतम मूल्य
२,१९९.४५ - ३,०१६.८७
बजारसम्बन्धी समाचार
SSE 50 Index is the stock index of Shanghai Stock Exchange, representing the top 50 companies by "float-adjusted" capitalization and other criteria. In order to qualify as a constituent of SSE 50 Index, it must be a constituent of SSE 180 Index, thus SSE 50 is a subindex of SSE 180 Index. SSE 50 Index is also a subset of SSE Composite Index, which included all stock.
SSE 50 was regarded as a blue-chip index of the exchange. Wikipedia