მთავარი145 • ინდექსი
TA BlueTech Index
წინა დახურული
დღიური დიაპაზონი
468,72 - 476,29
წლიური დიაპაზონი
380,05 - 477,96
ბაზრის სიახლეები
The TA BlueTech Index is a stock market index all capitalised information technology and biotechnology companies listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. The index was launched on 3 April 2011 as the TA BlueTech-50 Index and replaced by the Tel-Tech Index and the Tel-Tech 15 Index. In June 2014, as a result of changes in the criteria required for companies to be listed in the Index, its name was changed to "TA BlueTech Index". Wikipedia
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