მთავარი500031 • BOM
Bajaj Electricals Ltd
წინა დახურული
585,50 ₹
დღიური დიაპაზონი
575,00 ₹ - 594,00 ₹
წლიური დიაპაზონი
568,75 ₹ - 1120,00 ₹
საბაზრო კაპიტალიზაცია
66,88 მლრდ. INR
საშუალო მოცულობა
4,89 ათ.
შემ. კოეფ.
დივიდენდური შემოსავლიანობა
ძირითადი გაცვლა
ბაზრის სიახლეები
Bajaj Electricals Ltd. is an Indian consumer electrical equipment manufacturing company based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is a part of the ₹380 billion Bajaj Group. It has diversified with interests in lighting, luminaries, appliances, fans, LPG based generators, engineering and projects.
Its main domains are lighting, consumer durable, engineering and projects. Lighting includes lamps, tubes and luminaire. Consumer durable include appliances and fans. Engineering and projects include transmission line towers, telecommunications towers, high-mast, poles and special projects, and others include die casting, wind energy and solar energy. Some notable projects include lighting works at the Commonwealth Games stadium and the Bandra Worli Sea Link.
It has 19 branch offices spread in different parts of the country with a chain of about 1000 distributors, 4000 authorized dealers, over 400,000 retail outlets and over 282 Customer Care centers. Wikipedia
გენერალური დირექტორი
14 ივლ. 1938
1 958