Sākumlapa600058 • SHA
Minmetals Development Co Ltd
Slēgšanas kurss
7,79 ¥
Dienas diapazons
7,74 ¥ - 7,85 ¥
Gada diapazons
5,87 ¥ - 9,17 ¥
Tirgus kapitalizāc.
7,40 mljrd. CNY
Vid. apjoms
11,51 milj.
P/E koeficients
Ienākumi no dividendēm
Galvenā birža
Tirgus ziņas
Minmetals Development Co., Ltd. is a Shanghai-listed Chinese company principally engaged in the domestic and international trading of minerals. Headquartered in Beijing, the People's Republic of China, the Company mainly offers steel products, steel billets, iron ore, coal and coke.
The Company distributes its products within the domestic markets and to overseas markets. The company is also involved in the international freight forwarding, logistics and storage, international bid and auction, hotel management and high technology industries, through its subsidiaries. As of December 31, 2006, the company had 11 major subsidiaries. Wikipedia
Dibināšanas datums
1997. gada 21. maijs
Tīmekļa vietne
2 718