Astra Agro Lestari
Dernière clôture
1,70 $
Plage sur l'année
1,63 $ - 2,20 $
Capitalisation boursière
10,97 Bn IDR
Volume moyen
Actualités des marchés
Données financières
Compte de résultat
Chiffre d'affaires
Résultat net
(IDR) | déc. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Chiffre d'affaires | 5,53 Bn | 9,18 % |
Charges d'exploitation | 856,89 Md | 121,52 % |
Résultat net | 346,40 Md | 35,67 % |
Marge bénéficiaire nette | 6,27 | 24,40 % |
Bénéfice par action | — | — |
EBITDA | 906,00 Md | 17,24 % |
Taux d'imposition effectif | 37,06 % | — |
Total des actifs
Total du passif
(IDR) | déc. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Trésorerie/Invest. court terme | 3,24 Bn | 54,87 % |
Total des actifs | 28,79 Bn | -0,18 % |
Total du passif | 5,59 Bn | -10,97 % |
Total des capitaux propres | 23,20 Bn | — |
Actions en circulation | 1,92 Md | — |
Ratio cours/valeur comptable | 0,00 | — |
Rentabilité des actifs | 4,53 % | — |
Retour sur capitaux | 5,00 % | — |
Flux de trésorerie
Variation nette en trésorerie
(IDR) | déc. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Résultat net | 346,40 Md | 35,67 % |
Trésorerie (opérations) | -630,15 Md | -334,61 % |
Trésorerie (invest.) | -332,71 Md | 24,43 % |
Trésorerie (financement) | -222,68 Md | 4,21 % |
Variation nette en trésorerie | -1,13 Bn | -161,25 % |
Flux de trésorerie dispo. | -1,65 Bn | -475,35 % |
À propos
Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. is the second biggest palm oil company in Indonesia. It is a subsidiary of PT Astra International Tbk. At least in 2004, it controlled extensive land banks. It has two concessions on peatlands in Riau, with an estimated total area of 20,000 hectares.
AAL is Indonesia's second largest palm oil company and according to FIDH, "supplies Crude Palm Oil through its mills to various consumer companies, including Procter & Gamble, Hershey's, Kellogg, Unilever, Mondelēz, Colgate-Palmolive, PepsiCo, and Nestlé, amongst others."
According to Greenpeace, 2007, it has seven concessions on peat in Central Kalimantan. Greenpeace also reported hotspots on five Astra Agro concessions in Riau, two of which were on peatlands. Joko Supriyono was or is a director at Astra Agro and secretary of a palm oil industry lobby group. He said companies had no choice, but to continue establishing plantations on restricted areas.
The company was listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 1997. Wikipedia
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