American Battery Technology Co
$ ०.९५
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$ ०.९८
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८.०७ करोड USD
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खुद आम्दानी
(USD) | २०२४ डिसेम्बरinfo | वर्षअनुसार भएको परिवर्तन |
आय | ३.३२ लाख | — |
सञ्चालनसम्बन्धी खर्च | १.०८ करोड | २२.९१% |
खुद आम्दानी | -१.३४ करोड | -३१.६६% |
खुद नाफा प्रतिशत | -४.०३ हजार | — |
प्रति सेयरबाट भएको आम्दानी | — | — |
EBITDA | -१.२५ करोड | -४३.१६% |
करको प्रभावकारी दर | — | — |
ब्यालेन्स सिट
कुल सम्पत्ति
कुल दायित्व
(USD) | २०२४ डिसेम्बरinfo | वर्षअनुसार भएको परिवर्तन |
नगद र अल्पकालीन लगानी | १.५६ करोड | १०२.२२% |
कुल सम्पत्ति | ८.८३ करोड | -०.६५% |
कुल दायित्व | १.७७ करोड | -२०.६५% |
कुल सेयर | ७.०६ करोड | — |
बाँकी सेयरहरू | ८.४७ करोड | — |
बजार मूल्य र बुक मूल्यको अनुपात | १.१९ | — |
सम्पत्तिबाट प्राप्त लाभ | -४२.५६% | — |
पूँजीबाट प्राप्त लाभ | -४८.२४% | — |
नगद प्रवाह
नगद मौज्दातमा भएको खुद परिवर्तन
(USD) | २०२४ डिसेम्बरinfo | वर्षअनुसार भएको परिवर्तन |
खुद आम्दानी | -१.३४ करोड | -३१.६६% |
गतिविधिहरूबाट प्राप्त रकम | -७२.६४ लाख | -१७३.१०% |
लगानीबाट प्राप्त रकम | -६.४६ लाख | ८२.०३% |
वित्तीय सेवाबाट प्राप्त रकम | २.२८ करोड | १६७.०७% |
नगद मौज्दातमा भएको खुद परिवर्तन | १.४९ करोड | ५५५.०७% |
स्वतन्त्र नगद प्रवाह | -१.३१ करोड | -४१.६१% |
American Battery Technology Company, formerly American Battery Metals Corporation, is a US-based battery recycling technology startup founded in 2011. It employs a hydrometallurgical process to recycle batteries and a targeted extraction system to extract raw materials from primary resources.
In 2019, the company was selected as winner of BASF’s Battery Recycling Circularity Challenge, allowing for the demonstration of its lithium-ion battery recycling technology as part of the Greentown Labs accelerator program. In 2021, it received a $2 million contract from the United States Advanced Battery Consortium, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy for commercialization of its integrated lithium-ion battery recycling system.
In October 2022, it was selected for a $57 million grant by the Department of Energy to design, construct, commission, and operate a first-of-its-kind commercial-scale facility to demonstrate its process for the manufacturing of battery cathode-grade lithium hydroxide from unconventional Nevada-based lithium-bearing sedimentary resources. Wikipedia
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