Početna stranicaAKEL-D • STO
Akelius Residential Property
Preth. zaklj. cijena
1,88 €
Dnevni raspon
1,88 € - 1,88 €
Godišnji raspon
1,60 € - 1,89 €
Tržišna kapitalizacija
367,84 mil. EUR
Prosječna količina
512,37 tis.
P/E omjer
Prinos dividende
Glavno tržište vrijednosnica
Vijesti s tržišta
Financijski podaci
Račun dobiti i gubitka
Neto dohodak
(EUR) | pro 2024.info | Godišnja promjena |
Prihod | 92,00 mil. | 6,98 % |
Operativni troškovi | 4,00 mil. | 0,00 % |
Neto dohodak | −54,00 mil. | 42,55 % |
Neto profitabilnost | −58,70 | 46,29 % |
Zarada po dionici | — | — |
EBITDA | 49,00 mil. | 16,67 % |
Efektivna porezna stopa | 12,90 % | — |
Bilanca stanja
Ukupna imovina
Ukupne obveze
(EUR) | pro 2024.info | Godišnja promjena |
Gotovinska i kratkoročna ulaganja | 100,00 mil. | 35,14 % |
Ukupna imovina | 6,73 mlr. | −0,04 % |
Ukupne obveze | 3,35 mlr. | −14,13 % |
Ukupni kapital | 3,38 mlr. | — |
Dionice u optjecaju | 5,40 mlr. | — |
Cijena prema knjigovodstvenoj vrijednosti | 2,99 | — |
Povrat imovine | 1,80 % | — |
Povrat kapitala | 1,84 % | — |
Tok novca
Neto promjena novca
(EUR) | pro 2024.info | Godišnja promjena |
Neto dohodak | −54,00 mil. | 42,55 % |
Gotovina od poslovanja | 51,00 mil. | −13,56 % |
Gotovina iz ulaganja | −92,00 mil. | −105,95 % |
Gotovina iz financiranja | −13,00 mil. | 99,21 % |
Neto promjena novca | −54,00 mil. | −63,64 % |
Slobodan tok novca | −497,62 mil. | −1.643,02 % |
Akelius Residential Property AB is an international residential real-estate company registered in Sweden. Akelius Residential Property owns nineteen thousand rental apartments in New York, Boston, Washington D.C., Austin, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec City, Paris, and London.
The main shareholder of Akelius Residential Property AB is the Akelius Foundation with 85 percent, whose founder is the Swedish founder Akelius AB, Roger Akelius. The foundation is registered as a non-profit organization in the Bahamas. The foundation is listed in the ICIJ's offshore leaks database.
The company reacted to the Berlin government's rent cap in 2020 by adding "shadow rents" on leases, some of which were five times higher than the listed rent, which were to be paid retrospectively if the law were not to endure. The rent cap was ruled unconstitutional in 2021; Akelius stated that they sought to reclaim the excess money from tenants. In response, the Berlin government provided a €10 million fund of interest-free loans to tenants struggling to make repayments.
In April 2020, the United Nations Human Rights Council accused Akelius of human rights abuses. Wikipedia
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