Домашня сторінкаALTME • EPA
TME Pharma NV
Закриття попер. дня
0,073 €
Діапазон цін за день
0,071 € - 0,075 €
Діапазон цін за рік
0,061 € - 0,44 €
Ринкова капіталізація
6,35 млн EUR
Сер. обсяг
390,84 тис.
Коефіцієнт ціна/прибуток
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Основна біржа
TME Pharma, formerly NOXXON Pharma, is a biotechnology company founded in 1997 in Berlin, Germany which specialises on cancer treatment by targeting the tumor microenvironment. TME Pharma N.V. is listed on Euronext Growth, Paris and is a member of the German Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies, Verband forschender Arzneimittelhersteller.
TME Pharma develops drugs using technology yielding L-RNA molecules, which are of mirror-image configuration compared to naturally occurring D-RNA molecules. The company calls these agents Spiegelmers, from Spiegel, the German word for "mirror."
The L-RNA are resistant to the natural RNA nuclease enzymes. Wikipedia
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