Գլխավոր էջCJA1 • FRA
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc
Նախորդ փակումը
43,84 €
Օրական միջակայքը
44,15 € - 44,15 €
Տարեկան միջակայքը
44,15 € - 56,84 €
Շուկայի կապիտալիզացիա
64,93 մլրդ CAD
Միջին ծավալը
Շահաբաժնի եկամտաբերությունը
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc., or simply Couche-Tard, is a Canadian multinational operator of convenience stores. The company has approximately 16,700 stores across Canada, the United States, Mexico, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Japan, Hong Kong, and Indonesia. The company operates its corporate stores mainly under the Couche-Tard, Circle K, and On the Run brands but also under the affiliated brands
Mac's Convenience Stores, go!, Provi-Soir, 7-jours, Dairy/Daisy Mart, Becker's and Winks.
Founded by current chairman Alain Bouchard, the corporation is based in Laval, Quebec, Canada, a suburb of Montreal. The flagship Couche-Tard and Mac's stores, as well as some older Winks outlets, prominently feature a distinctive anthropomorphic red, winking owl. This mascot was inherited from the Provi-Soir / Winks chain when it was absorbed in the late 1990s.
In French, "couche-tard" means " goes to bed late", with connotations very similar to "night owl" in English. Wikipedia
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