BerandaCLSC3 • BVMF
Centrais Eletricas d Snt Ctrn S Clsc
12 Mar, 17.30.00 GMT-3 · BRL · BVMF · Pernyataan Penyangkalan
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R$58,33 - R$80,00
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3,00 M BRL
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Berita pasar
Centrais Elétricas de Santa Catarina is the electricity utility for the southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. In 2014, the company had around 2.6-million customers and sold around 23.3 TWh of electricity. It generates power from 16 plants, all of them hydroelectric, with installed capacity of around 126MW. The company also owns some 5,100 km of distribution lines and a 148,164 km distribution network. Celesc is headquartered in the Santa Catarina capital of Florianópolis. Founded in 1955 by a decree signed by then-Governor Irineu Bornhausen, it is controlled by the state of Santa Catarina, who owns just over 20% of Celesc's stocks, that are traded on B3. Prior to Celesc's foundation, the electricity needs of Santa Catarina were primarily met by small privately-owned hydroelectric plants such as the Salto Weissbach Hydroelectric Plant in Blumenau, the Piraí Hydroelectric Plant in Joinville and the Maroim Hydroelectric Plant in São José. As these plants did not provide enough electricity to supply the entire state, Celesc was formed, initially as a planning agency for the state's electrical system. Gradually, Celesc absorbed all of the state's regional electricity companies. Wikipedia
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