Bosh sahifaCMCS34 • BVMF
40,22 R$
13-mar, 20:45:10 (GMT-3) · BRL · BVMF · Ogohlantirish
BR qimmatli qogʻoziBosh shtabi: AQSH
Yopilish kursi
40,22 R$
Kunlik diapazon
40,22 R$ - 40,80 R$
Yillik diapazon
36,92 R$ - 52,52 R$
Bozor kapitalizatsiyasi
132,78 mlrd USD
Oʻrtacha hajm
6,97 ming
Moliyaviy axborot
Moliyaviy hisobot
Sof foyda
(USD)dek, 2024Y/Y qiyosi
31,91 mlrd2,11%
Joriy xarajat
16,89 mlrd2,31%
Sof foyda
4,78 mlrd46,53%
Sof foyda marjasi
Har bir ulushga tushum
8,83 mlrd10,16%
Amaldagi soliq stavkasi
Jami aktivlari
Jami passivlari
(USD)dek, 2024Y/Y qiyosi
Naqd pul va qisqa investitsiyalar
7,32 mlrd17,81%
Jami aktivlari
266,21 mlrd0,53%
Jami passivlari
179,94 mlrd-0,78%
Umumiy kapital
86,27 mlrd
Tarqatilgan aksiyalar
3,78 mlrd
Narxi/balansdagi bahosi
Aktivlardan daromad
Kapitaldan daromad
Naqd pulning sof oʻzgarishi
(USD)dek, 2024Y/Y qiyosi
Sof foyda
4,78 mlrd46,53%
Operatsiyalardan naqd pul
8,08 mlrd36,44%
Sarmoyadan naqd pul
-5,11 mlrd-212,16%
Moliyadan naqd pul
-4,42 mlrd58,71%
Naqd pulning sof oʻzgarishi
-1,50 mlrd-625,12%
Boʻsh pul
-593,88 mln-104,66%
Comcast Corporation, formerly known as Comcast Holdings, is an American multinational mass media corporation that works in telecommunications and entertainment. It is headquartered at the Comcast Center in Philadelphia. Comcast is the third-largest broadcasting and cable television company worldwide by revenue. It is the third-largest pay-TV company, the second-largest cable TV company by subscribers, and the largest home Internet service provider in the United States. In 2023, the company was ranked 51st in the Forbes Global 2000. Comcast is additionally the nation's third-largest home telephone service provider. It provides services to U.S. residential and commercial customers in 40 states and the District of Columbia. As the owner of NBCUniversal since 2013, Comcast is also a high-volume producer of films for theatrical exhibition and television programming, and a theme parks operator. It is the fourth-largest telecommunications company by worldwide revenue. Comcast owns and operates the Xfinity residential cable communications business segment and division; Comcast Business, a commercial services provider; and Xfinity Mobile, an MVNO of Verizon Communications. Wikipedia
Tashkil etilgan
28-iyn, 1963
Xodimlar soni
182 000
Bu sizni qiziqtirishi mumkin
Bu roʻyxat oxirgi qidiruvlar, kuzatilgan aksiyalar va boshqa faoliyatdan tuzilgan. Batafsil

Barcha axborotlar faqat maʼlumot sifatida “shundayligicha” taqdim etilgan, ulardan moliyaviy maslahat sifatida foydalanmang, ular savdo maqsadlari yoki investitsiya, soliq, yuridik, buxgalteriya yoki boshqa turdagi maslahat emas. Google investitsiya borasida maslahatchi emas, bu roʻyxatdagi kompaniyalar yoki ularning aksiyalari borasida hech qanday nuqtai nazar, tavsiya yoki fikr bildirmaydi. Har qanday savdoni boshlashdan oldin broker yoki moliyaviy vakil bilan maslahatlashib, narxlarni tekshiring. Batafsil
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