Početna stranicaNCC-A • STO
NCC AB Class A
Preth. zaklj. cijena
190,50 kr
Dnevni raspon
189,50 kr - 194,00 kr
Godišnji raspon
126,00 kr - 201,00 kr
Tržišna kapitalizacija
19,11 mlr. SEK
Prosječna količina
3,59 tis.
P/E omjer
Prinos dividende
5,50 %
Vijesti s tržišta
Financijski podaci
Račun dobiti i gubitka
Neto dohodak
(SEK) | pro 2024.info | Godišnja promjena |
Prihod | 20,32 mlr. | 30,35 % |
Operativni troškovi | 968,00 mil. | −18,93 % |
Neto dohodak | 721,00 mil. | 83,93 % |
Neto profitabilnost | 3,55 | 41,43 % |
Zarada po dionici | 7,37 | 83,33 % |
EBITDA | 1,16 mlr. | 405,22 % |
Efektivna porezna stopa | 7,45 % | — |
Bilanca stanja
Ukupna imovina
Ukupne obveze
(SEK) | pro 2024.info | Godišnja promjena |
Gotovinska i kratkoročna ulaganja | 3,72 mlr. | 164,30 % |
Ukupna imovina | 32,03 mlr. | 0,24 % |
Ukupne obveze | 23,36 mlr. | −5,13 % |
Ukupni kapital | 8,66 mlr. | — |
Dionice u optjecaju | 97,83 mil. | — |
Cijena prema knjigovodstvenoj vrijednosti | 2,15 | — |
Povrat imovine | 6,48 % | — |
Povrat kapitala | 15,33 % | — |
Tok novca
Neto promjena novca
(SEK) | pro 2024.info | Godišnja promjena |
Neto dohodak | 721,00 mil. | 83,93 % |
Gotovina od poslovanja | 4,98 mlr. | 368,93 % |
Gotovina iz ulaganja | −339,00 mil. | −61,43 % |
Gotovina iz financiranja | −2,06 mlr. | −148,91 % |
Neto promjena novca | 2,59 mlr. | 10.675,00 % |
Slobodan tok novca | 3,62 mlr. | 1.077,16 % |
NCC AB is a Swedish construction company, one of the largest in the Nordic region with annual revenues of 57 billion SEK and about 12 200 employees.
NCC builds residential properties, industrial facilities and public buildings, roads, civil engineering structures and other types of infrastructure. NCC also offers input materials used in construction, such as aggregates and asphalt, and conducts paving. Operations also include commercial property development.
NCC conducts operations in the Nordic region. Among its biggest competitors are AF Gruppen, Skanska, Peab, Per Aarsleff, Veidekke and YIT.
Alf Göransson is Chairman of the Board of NCC and Tomas Carlsson is President and CEO since 2018. Wikipedia
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