SākumlapaOEX • Indekss
S&P 100
2 922,38
27. janv., 14:20:43 GMT-6 · INDEXCBOE · Atruna
Slēgšanas kurss
2 980,92
Dienas diapazons
2 898,74 - 2 936,85
Gada diapazons
2 288,24 - 2 997,65
Tirgus ziņas
The Standard and Poor's 100, or simply the S&P 100, is a stock market index of United States stocks maintained by Standard & Poor's. The S&P 100 is a subset of the S&P 500 and the S&P 1500, and holds stocks that tend to be the largest and most established companies in the S&P 500. However, the S&P 100 actually includes 101 larger US company stocks due to holding two different share classes of Alphabet Inc. Constituents of the S&P 100 are selected for sector balance and represent nearly 71% of the market capitalization of the S&P 500 and 61% of the market capitalization of the U.S. equity markets as of December 2024. Index options on the S&P 100 are traded with the ticker symbol "OEX". Because of the popularity of these options, investors often refer to the index by its ticker symbol. Wikipedia
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