InicioPAGS34 • BVMF
Pagseguro Digital Bdr
Cierre anterior
8,91 R$
Intervalo diario
8,55 R$ - 8,91 R$
Intervalo anual
7,48 R$ - 16,14 R$
Cap. bursátil
2332,28 M USD
Volumen medio
74,91 mil
En las noticias
Datos financieros
Estado de resultados
Ingresos netos
(BRL) | dic 2024info | Cambio interanual |
Ingresos | 5002,66 M | 17,06 % |
Gastos operativos | 724,77 M | 28,54 % |
Ingresos netos | 599,02 M | 22,75 % |
Margen de beneficio neto | 11,97 | 4,82 % |
Beneficios por acción | 2,01 | 23,31 % |
EBITDA | 2113,23 M | 16,53 % |
Tipo impositivo efectivo | 5,86 % | — |
Balance general
Activos totales
Responsabilidades totales
(BRL) | dic 2024info | Cambio interanual |
Efectivo y a corto plazo | 1415,59 M | -61,55 % |
Activos totales | 72,90 mil M | 32,29 % |
Responsabilidades totales | 58,23 mil M | 39,09 % |
Patrimonio total | 14,67 mil M | — |
Acciones en circulación | 303,82 M | — |
Precio-valor contable | 0,18 | — |
Rentabilidad económica | 6,04 % | — |
Retorno sobre capital | 22,96 % | — |
Flujo de caja
Variación neta del flujo de caja
(BRL) | dic 2024info | Cambio interanual |
Ingresos netos | 599,02 M | 22,75 % |
Efectivo de operaciones | -600,92 M | -127,75 % |
Efectivo de inversión | -282,22 M | 74,01 % |
Efectivo de financiación | 1090,70 M | 803,90 % |
Variación neta del flujo de caja | 207,56 M | -77,55 % |
Flujo de caja libre | -2171,66 M | -807,98 % |
Información sobre la empresa
PagSeguro is a financial services and digital payments company based in São Paulo, Brazil and incorporated
in the Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. Founded in 2006, the company primarily offers payment processing software for e-commerce websites, mobile applications, point of sale terminals, and payment terminals. It has been traded as a public company on the New York Stock Exchange since January 2018 with the ticker symbol PAGS.
PagSeguro is part of Universo Online, which, according to Ibope Nielsen Online, is Brazil's largest Internet portal, with more than 50 million unique visitors and 6.7 billion page views every month. In 2015, it was recognized as the "Best Payment Method" by the Congresso Afiliados Brasil. Wikipedia
Director ejecutivo
5 sept 2006
Sitio web