MwanzoRSID3 • BVMF
Rossi Residencal SA - em Recuprco Judicl
R$ 3.07
21 Feb, 21:49:37 GMT -3 · BRL · BVMF · Kanusho
HisaHisa zinazouzwa BRMakao yake makuu ni BR
Bei iliyotangulia
R$ 3.07
Bei za siku
R$ 3.01 - R$ 3.13
Bei za mwaka
R$ 2.33 - R$ 6.49
Thamani ya kampuni katika soko
61.40M BRL
Wastani wa hisa zilizouzwa
elfu 41.25
Uwiano wa bei na mapato
Mgao wa faida
Ubadilishanaji wa msingi
Habari za soko
Taarifa ya Mapato
Mapato halisi
(BRL)Sep 2024Mabadiliko Tangu Mwaka Uliopita
Matumizi ya uendeshaji wa biashara
Mapato halisi
Kiwango cha faida halisi
Mapato kwa kila hisa
Asilimia ya kodi ya mapato
Jumla ya mali
Jumla ya dhima
(BRL)Sep 2024Mabadiliko Tangu Mwaka Uliopita
Uwekezaji wa pesa taslimu na vipindi vifupi
Jumla ya mali
Jumla ya dhima
Jumla ya hisa
hisa zilizosalia
Uwiano wa bei na thamani
Faida inayotokana na mali
Faida inayotokana mtaji
Mabadiliko halisi ya pesa taslimu
(BRL)Sep 2024Mabadiliko Tangu Mwaka Uliopita
Mapato halisi
Pesa kutokana na shughuli
Pesa kutokana na uwekezaji
Pesa kutokana na ufadhili
elfu -352.0067.68%
Mabadiliko halisi ya pesa taslimu
Mtiririko huru wa pesa
Rossi Residencial is the sixth largest Brazilian residential construction company, after its big competitors such as PDG, Cyrela Brazil Realty, MRV and Brookfield Incorporações. The company operates in real estate. Is present in more than 56 Brazilian cities, from headquarters in São Paulo and in regional offices located in cities such as Campinas, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and others. The Rossi takes part in all phases of a real estate venture. Exploration of the land to the project, construction for sale, by delivery of property. Rossi Residencial is part of the Rossi Group, founded in 1913, today the 4th generation of the Rossi family, one of the leading groups of engineering, construction and incorporation of Brazil, which over its history of cooperating with the development of the country not only through the engineering, but also in other areas. Since its founding, the Rossi Group is characterized by the development of modern administrative and operational methods, the use of efficient building technologies and increasing experience in all types of construction. Wikipedia
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