MwanzoS1MF34 • BVMF
Sumioto Mitsui Financial Group Bdr
R$ 86.76
13 Mac, 13:04:14 GMT -3 · BRL · BVMF · Kanusho
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R$ 86.76
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R$ 57.43 - R$ 94.95
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100.15B USD
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Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc., initialed as SMFG until 2018 and SMBC Group since, is a major Japanese multinational financial services group and holding company. It is the parent of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, SMBC Trust Bank, and SMBC Nikko Securities. SMBC originates from the 2001 merger of Sumitomo Bank with the Sakura Bank, itself a successor to the Mitsui Bank, and the group holding entity was created in December 2002 after which SMBC became its wholly-owned subsidiary. SMBC Group operates in retail, corporate, and investment banking segment worldwide. It provides financial products and services to a wide range of clients, including individuals, small and medium-sized enterprises, large corporations, financial institutions and public sector entities. It operates in over 40 countries and maintains a presence in all International Financial Centres as the 12th biggest bank in the world by total assets. It is one of the largest global financial institutions in project finance space by total loan value. It is headquartered in the Marunouchi neighborhood of Tokyo. Wikipedia
2 Des 2002
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