StartseiteSOYO • OTCMKTS
Soyo Group Inc
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14. März, 00:20:30 GMT-4 · USD · OTCMKTS · Haftungsausschluss
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0,00 $
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Soyo Group, Inc., often shortened to Soyo, was a United States–based electronics company. Established in 1985, Soyo was a provider of consumer electronics such as LCD HDTVs, home theater furniture, Bluetooth headsets, portable storage devices, computer monitors, computer motherboards, computer cases, and computer peripheral devices. With sales offices in California and São Paulo, Brazil, Soyo sold its products through an extensive network of authorized distributors, resellers, system integrators, VARs, retailers, mail-order catalogs and e-tailers. Soyo licensed the Honeywell brand from Honeywell International Inc. for use on LCD televisions and other consumer electronics products. Soyo Group filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy with the United States District Court for the Central District of California, Riverside Division, and ceased operations on May 5, 2009. Soyo Group brands Soyo Honeywell Privé Le Véllo Furniture Soyo Computer Inc. Soyo Computer Inc. a Taiwan-based company made computer components, and were well known for their motherboards. Their headquarters were in Taipei and their sales were handled by their California office. Wikipedia
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