TDXP • 지수
1월 13일, 오전 6시 30분 25초 GMT+1 · INDEXDB · 면책조항
전일 종가
일일 변동폭
3,483.02 - 3,525.72
52주 변동폭
3,125.18 - 3,564.48
시장 뉴스
The TecDAX stock index tracks the performance of the 30 largest German companies from the technology sector. In terms of order book turnover and market capitalization the companies rank below those included in the DAX. The TecDax was introduced on 24 March 2003. It succeeded the NEMAX50 stock index of German new economy companies that existed from 1997 to 2003 and was discontinued after extreme value loss due to the burst of the dot-com bubble. TecDAX is based on prices generated in Xetra. The index is calculated on every trading day, between 9 am and 5.30 pm CET. In 2018, the TecDAX had an average performance of 23,3 % in five years, outpacing even the NASDAQ. Wikipedia
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