Domača stranTSNF34 • BVMF
Tyson Foods Inc BDR
347,76 R$
13. mar., 20:44:33 GMT -3 · BRL · BVMF · Izjava
Vrednostni papir, ki kotira v BRSedež podjetja: ZDA
Prejšnji trg. dan.
347,76 R$
Letni razpon
271,14 R$ - 386,66 R$
Tržna kapitalizacija
21,37 mrd. USD
Povprečni obseg
V novicah
Finančni podatki
Izkaz poslovnega izida
Čisti dohodek
(USD)dec. 2024Sprememba L/L
13,62 mrd.2,28 %
Stroški poslovanja
505,00 mio.−10,14 %
Čisti dohodek
359,00 mio.235,51 %
Čista dobičkovnost prihodkov
2,64230,00 %
Earnings per share
1,1465,22 %
1,01 mrd.33,33 %
Efektivna davčna stopnja
23,43 %
Skupna sredstva
Skupne obveznosti
(USD)dec. 2024Sprememba L/L
Denar. in kratkor. naložbe
2,29 mrd.52,97 %
Skupna sredstva
37,31 mrd.1,53 %
Skupne obveznosti
18,68 mrd.1,22 %
Celoten lastniški kapital
18,63 mrd.
Shares outstanding
356,19 mio.
Razmerje P/B
Donosnost sredstev
4,62 %
Donosnost kapitala
5,98 %
Neto sprememba denarnih sredstev
(USD)dec. 2024Sprememba L/L
Čisti dohodek
359,00 mio.235,51 %
Denar iz dejavnosti
1,03 mrd.−20,69 %
Denar iz naložb
−233,00 mio.38,36 %
Denar iz financiranja
−195,00 mio.−650,00 %
Neto sprememba denarnih sredstev
575,00 mio.−36,88 %
Prost denarni tok
788,38 mio.−23,06 %
Tyson Foods, Inc. is an American multinational corporation based in Springdale, Arkansas that operates in the food industry. The company is the world's second-largest processor and marketer of chicken, beef, and pork after JBS S.A. It is the largest meat company in America. It annually exports the largest percentage of beef out of the United States. Together with its subsidiaries, it operates major food brands, including Jimmy Dean, Hillshire Farm, Ball Park, Wright Brand, Aidells, and State Fair. Tyson Foods ranked No. 79 in the 2020 Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total revenue. Tyson Foods has been involved in a number of controversies related to the environment, animal welfare, and the welfare of their own employees. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Tyson Foods was accused by some employees of failing to implement certain recommended protections, including physical distancing measures, plexiglass barriers and wearing of face masks. Multiple lawsuits have been filed against the company, alleging gross and willful negligence for the spread of COVID-19 at their plants. Additionally, Tyson is being investigated for allegations of child labor. Wikipedia
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