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United Rentals Inc Bdr
126,64 R$
13. mars, 05:37:02 GMT-3 · BRL · BVMF · Ansvarsfraskrivelse
Verdipapir notert i BRMed hovedkvarter i USA
Forrige sluttkurs
124,15 R$
125,70 R$ - 126,64 R$
116,07 R$ - 189,05 R$
39,99 mrd. USD
Gjennomsnittlig volum
I nyhetene
(USD)des. 2024Endring år til år
4,10 mrd.9,84 %
551,00 mill.11,31 %
689,00 mill.1,47 %
Netto resultatmargin
16,83−7,58 %
Fortjeneste per aksje
11,592,93 %
1,22 mrd.2,18 %
Faktisk avgiftssats
24,20 %
Totale aktiva
Totale passiva
(USD)des. 2024Endring år til år
Kontant / kortsiktige inv.
457,00 mill.25,90 %
Totale aktiva
28,16 mrd.10,06 %
Totale passiva
19,54 mrd.11,93 %
Total egenkapital
8,62 mrd.
Utestående aksjer
65,31 mill.
Avkastning på aktiva
9,75 %
Avkastning på kapital
11,88 %
Netto kontantstrøm
(USD)des. 2024Endring år til år
689,00 mill.1,47 %
Kontantstrøm fra drift
1,05 mrd.−25,88 %
Kontanter fra investering
−515,00 mill.−17,85 %
Kontanter fra finansiering
−528,00 mill.41,72 %
Netto kontantstrøm
−22,00 mill.−127,85 %
Fri kontantstrøm
529,88 mill.−36,74 %
United Rentals, Inc. is an American equipment rental company, with about 16 percent of the North American market share as of 2022. It owns the largest rental fleet in the world with approximately 4,700 classes of equipment totaling about $19.3 billion in original equipment cost as of 2022. The company has a combined total of 1,625 locations, including an integrated network of 1,504 rental locations in North America, 38 in Europe, 23 in Australia and 19 in New Zealand. In North America, the company operates in 49 U.S. states and Puerto Rico and in every Canadian province. In 2017, United Rentals' revenue totaled more than $6.64 billion, with over $1.35 billion in profit. It is ranked #424 on the Fortune 500, #1183 on the Forbes Global 2000 list of the world's largest public companies, and is the world's largest equipment rental company. URI was founded in 1997 by Brad Jacobs and grew primarily through acquisition. It offers general, aerial, and specialty rentals to a customer base that includes construction and industrial companies; utilities; municipalities; and homeowners. In addition to rentals, the company offers new and used equipment sales, servicing, and safety training. Wikipedia
Administrerende direktør
14. aug. 1997
27 900
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