Pàgina d'iniciWELL • TSE
WELL Health Technologies Corp
Tancament anterior
5,19 $
Interval de preus d'avui
5,05 $ - 5,20 $
Interval anual
3,41 $ - 7,36 $
Capitalit. borsària
1262,90 M CAD
Volum mitjà
845,18 k
Ràtio PER
Rendibilitat per dividend
Borsa principal
Notícies dels mercats
Balanç de resultats
Ingressos nets
(CAD) | set. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Ingressos | 251,74 M | 23,12 % |
Despesa d'explotació | 94,39 M | 11,26 % |
Ingressos nets | -81,19 M | -967,47 % |
Marge de benefici net | -32,25 | -766,94 % |
Benefici per acció | 0,05 | 0,00 % |
Ebitda | 35,34 M | 42,20 % |
Taxa impositiva efectiva | -1,46 % | — |
Actiu total
Passiu total
(CAD) | set. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Efectiu i invers. a curt terme | 66,15 M | 57,61 % |
Actiu total | 1593,13 M | 17,23 % |
Passiu total | 675,10 M | 25,16 % |
Capital total | 918,03 M | — |
Accions en circulació | 248,96 M | — |
Ràtio cotització-valor | 1,53 | — |
Rendiment | 2,76 % | — |
Rendibilitat d'inversió | 3,26 % | — |
Flux de caixa
Variació neta de l'efectiu
(CAD) | set. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Ingressos nets | -81,19 M | -967,47 % |
Efectiu d'operacions | 57,88 M | 190,77 % |
Efectiu d'inversió | -5,28 M | 91,42 % |
Efectiu de finançament | -32,48 M | -168,18 % |
Variació neta de l'efectiu | 19,60 M | 209,25 % |
Flux de caixa lliure | 53,69 M | 1.127,74 % |
WELL Health Technologies is a multichannel digital health technology company and Canada's largest owner and operator of outpatient health clinics. The company owns and operates primary healthcare facilities in Canada and The United States and also provides EMR services to clinics and doctors across Canada. Well Health Technologies is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol WELL.TO. Hamed Shahbazi has served as the company's CEO since its foundation
WELL Health Technologies company was established in February 2018 with the main offices based out of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The company's founder and CEO is Hamed Shahbazi, previous CEO of TIO Networks, which was acquired by PayPal for $304M in 2017. The company's business activity has been mostly in the domain of telemedicine, such as teleconferencing, clinical database management, electronic medical records, cybersecurity, billing, digital apps, and more. The company mainly operates in Canada and United States.
WELL Health Technologies first went public in January 2020 on Toronto Stock Exchange. Wikipedia
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