Pagina de pornireXVG / USD • Criptomonedă
Verge (XVG / USD)
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Despre Verge
Verge Currency is a decentralized open-source cryptocurrency which offers various levels of private transactions. It does this by obfuscating the IP addresses of users with Tor and by leveraging stealth transactions making it difficult to determine the geolocation of its users.
Verge Currency has a maximum supply capped at 16.5 billion XVG. It uses the Proof of Work mining principle with multi-algorithm support and 5 different hash functions: Scrypt, X17, Lyra2rev2, myr-groestl and blake2s. WikipediaDespre Dolar american
Dolarul american este unitatea monetară a Statelor Unite. Este abreviat în mod normal folosind simbolul $, USD, sau US$. Dolarul a fost adoptat de către Congresul Confederațiilor Statelor Unite pe data de 6 iulie 1785. Este divizat în 100 de cenți. Wikipedia